Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rain, Sun, and the Angry Mom

So it turns out that there are very few places with Internet in the camping world. Which means that we will still try to update as much as possible but it certainly won't be every day! If we get on the web once or twice a week though we should be able to keep up with our fun stories.
SO! Here we go ... From the Soo we spent another night in Pancake Bay, and left the next morning after making very good friends with a chipmunk, to head to Pukaskwa National Park. We got there around 4:30, set up our stuff, and took advantage of finally having some good weather. We hiked for about an hour while we waited for the sunset, and then hiked across the beaches to a rock perch where we watched the sun setting over Lake Superior. Of course, it started raining again early the next morning so we learned how to best pack up all of our gear while it was very wet. Around noon we headed out to our next destination, Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, which we were very excited for since we saw what a cool peninsula it was on early in our planning. The drive into the park was amazing ... we saw 11 deer, a red fox, and a very up close turkey vulture all on the road in front of us. When we got there we chose what the girl at the front desk called the 'best spot in the park'; it was a site right on the very tip of a peninsula in Marie Louise Lake, surrounded on either side by the sound of soft waves. We also soon found out that the ducks of the area really liked the peninsula as well ... two families in particular kept returning to the site throughout the evening and next day to meet up and nibble at whatever food they could find. Unfortunately, the people two sites from us (a dad and his three young kids) were crazy loud which disturbed some of the peace the peninsula had. We ended up having to complain because the dad left the car running for an hour while he blasted his music from it, and when the warden came he started shouting about how he wouldn't want to offend 'those climate-change-sensitive-people', then turned to his son to explain in a loud voice why he left his mother. How pleasant. In any case, they zoomed off somewhere for most of the night, which left us in peace to have a nice fire and enjoy the sound of the water.
The next morning we went on a hike on their Middlebrun trail, which went a couple kilometres through the forest and ended at a beautiful beach, and then turned back around to the start. It was a gorgeous, calm walk, until Katie accidentally stepped into the territory of a ruffed grouse and her young chicks. The mom burst out of nowhere onto the trail with her feathers raised up, screeching and dancing around in an apparently very defensive dance. As Chris yelled 'watch out!!', the bird began to charge at Katie, and she jumped her highest (1 inch) and hightailed it out of there. She didn't even stop running at a reasonable distance. She was gone. Luckily Chris stood his ground, and the bird took her dance away into the forest to lead us (potential predators) away from her babies. When the coast was clear, we continued our calm and lovely hike back to our car, and that was goodbye to Sleeping Giant.

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